Benefits of Professional Deep Cleanings

When you take the time to schedule a visit with Arlington dentist Dr. Bruce Hanley, you are able to enjoy a myriad of benefits that are associated with this procedure. Your smile has never looked so good! Read on to see how a professional deep cleaning can be hugely beneficial to your smile.

What Is Deep Teeth Cleaning?

As a leading Arlington dentist, Dr. Hanley is able to remove all of the tartar and plaque that has been given the chance to build upon your teeth. Arlington, VA residents will be able to benefit immensely from the reduction in gum inflammation and improved gum health that takes place as a result of the procedure.

If plaque is allowed to build upon the teeth, bacteria begin to form that cannot be removed by brushing. Once the leftover plaque is able to harden and calcify, a patient is leaving themselves far more susceptible to the onset of gum disease. From there, gingivitis can begin to advance, eventually becoming periodontitis. This condition will erode the bone structure that supports a patient’s teeth.

What Is Involved In The Procedure?

Your dentist will offer deep teeth cleaning that goes well beyond the more routine teeth cleanings. During a routine cleaning, plaque and tartar are removed that have accumulated above a patient's gum line. A deep cleaning gives the patient the opportunity to have plaque and tartar below the gum line removed.

This procedure tends to unfold over the course of one or two visits and each hour will take an hour or two. The first visit is the tooth scaling appointment, which gives Dr. Hanley the chance to remove the tartar and plaque from below the gum line. The second visit is when the root planing takes place. Tartar and plaque will be removed from the roots of the teeth at this time.

What Are The Benefits of This Procedure?

After a deep cleaning procedure has taken place, the patient will be able to stop the increase in gum disease. If the teeth are currently infected, the healing process is given the opportunity to begin. An Arlington, VA patient’s teeth are cleaned above and below the gum line. The negative effects of gum disease can also be combated, such as bad breath. The roots of the patient’s teeth are provided with a higher level of protection.

If you have reason to believe that your teeth are infected or you are experiencing the onset of gum disease, it is time to contact Dr. Hanley and his associates in Arlington, VA. As a leading Arlington dentist, he is on hand and waiting for your call. Call (703) 524-7100 today to find out more about all of the ways that he can help.

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm