What To Know About Dental Implants

Dental implants are a modern and long-lasting treatment for restoring missing teeth. They are more secure than traditional treatments, although they require a greater initial investment of time to achieve this longevity. To learn more about how dental implants can improve your smile get in contact with Dr. Bruce Hanley in Arlington, VA.

They Won't Impact Adjacent Teeth

Dental bridges continue to be a very popular and effective treatment for restoring a missing tooth. They use the teeth neighboring the gap to support your replacement tooth. Dental implants on the other hand are supported by a titanium post, the implant, onto which the new crown is attached. So there is no need to alter neighboring teeth in any way.

They Will Last a Long Time

The implant becomes permanently bonded onto the bone through a process called osseointegration, which is the lengthiest part of the treatment but it's also what allows it to last for a very long time. Only the crown may need to eventually be replaced, but with proper care, they can last over a decade, or more.

They Look and Perform Like Your Natural Teeth

Your new dental crown will give your smile back its natural appearance while returning to your tooth its function. Because the implanted titanium post works in a very similar way to the root of a natural tooth, you can expect to use your new tooth as you would any other.

They Can Restore Your Entire Smile

Implant-supported dentures can help to replace multiple teeth with full or partial dentures. Just as they sound, they are dentures that are supported by dental implants, but without the usual complaints associated with the dental appliance. Such as that of shifting when you eat or speak as it's attached securely onto the implants. With the added benefit that you do not require an implant for every tooth restored.

Dental Implants in Arlington, VA

Come into the office today to discuss with your dentist your expectations for the treatment and to find out if you're a candidate, and what can be done to make you into one. Schedule your appointment today with Dr. Hanley in Arlington, VA, by dialing (703) 524-7100.

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